
We support a wide range of projects and sub-projects in the Fundamental Wellbeing space. Our current major initiatives are listed on this page.

If there is a project that you believe we could be of service in supporting, we encourage you to contact us.

Laboratory for Consciousness Science, California Institute for Human Science

CIHS is a WASC accredited university in San Diego, California. Its Laboratory for Consciousness Science was established in 2021. Consciousness science is an emerging field within the academy. Most of the laboratories within it are highly specialized. CIHS saw a need for a multidisciplinary consciousness lab within the academy, and we agreed. We have a multi-year, rolling support initiative for the lab that includes providing financial, operational, outreach, and research support.

Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness

CSNSC is the leading hub for scientific research into Fundamental Wellbeing worldwide. In fact, they coined the term. Started in 2006, this center has played a central role in establishing foundational research initiatives, networking and supporting researchers, organizing funders, and much more. In addition to supporting the Fundamental Wellbeing related academic research space worldwide, they have also conducted some of the most groundbreaking research within this area of the academy. We have a multi-year, rolling support initiative that includes providing financial, operational, outreach, and research support.

Blue Sky Leaders Program, California Institute of Integral Studies

CIIS is a WASC accredited university in San Francisco, California. It’s widely known for being one of the longest running, and most groundbreaking consciousness-oriented institutions of higher learning in the United States. This year the school hopes to launch a new one year public certificate program that produces true transformation in those in who take it. We’re advising this project, and providing support for it as it’s developed and launched.

Society for Consciousness Studies

SCS is the leading professional scholarly organization in the consciousness studies area of the academy. It honors work of quality from any authentic scholarly tradition. The purpose of the organization is to bring together scholars and academic researchers interested in sharing ideas and approaches to the study of consciousness, with a preference for new paradigmatic approaches. The Society provides a safe and brave space for researchers to share cutting edge theories and findings. We have a multi-year, rolling support initiative for the society that includes providing financial, operational, and outreach support.

Student Scholarships

There are only a handful of programs that are empirically grounded in the Fundamental Wellbeing space, and even fewer that have very high success rates. We assist students with financial hardships who want to participate in programs that meet our strict requirements with partial and full scholarships. If you’re interested in applying for a scholarship, we welcome you to contact us.

Outreach and education

Very little is publicly known about the remarkable amount of high quality academic/scientific research that has been conducted into Fundamental Wellbeing. Academics are often penalized for anything that doesn’t specifically advance their school’s standing (such as getting grants and publishing peer-reviewed papers). They have not done a very good job of getting out to the world the breakthroughs science has made. A significant portion of our efforts are directed at changing that by raising public awareness about the research findings in this area.